

This was published 14 years ago

Mining Kev's 77% effective tax rate

By Michael Pascoe

Never mind the 40 per cent super tax rate the Prime Minister and Treasurer have nailed themselves to, declaring it ''our fair share'' – what about the 77 per cent tax rate that would result for some projects?

The government is relying on the voting public getting bored with the resources tax argument and bought off with the idea that the tax boils down to taking a bit more money from rich foreigners and giving it to more deserving us. Unfortunately it's a little too important to let them get away with such a trick.

While the miners apply their own spin, the government's campaign is considerably more dishonest in the way it wilfully misleads with the idea of a 40 per cent tax rate just on ''super'' profits. It results in the odd letter to the editor from the gullible backing the proposed tax with the line that individuals pay more than 40 per cent, so there's really no problem.

The reality about this complex, messy and decidedly inelegant tax is that it can result in a massive effective tax rate that can indeed make an otherwise rich resources projects unviable so that everyone does end up missing out.

PricewaterhouseCoopers has released the slide partner Wayne Huf used to demonstrate some of the reality of the RS profit tax at the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies conference in Perth. It's worth the effort of walking through the steps of the example to see just how woolly Wayne Swan's proposal is.

PwC is careful to warn that their example is illustrative only, as the impact of the present proposal will vary markedly depending on the characteristics of a particular resource project. This really is a case-by-case tax. It's still a telling illustration.

Let's say Swan's Hole (my suggested name, not PwC's) has earnings before royalties, tax, interest, depreciation and amortisation of $100 and then consider what happens under the present system, then under the RS profit tax as painted by the government and, finally, what the RS profit tax would really do.


Swan's Hole presently pays state royalties of say, $5. It's depreciation of plant and equipment is $25 – digging rocks is very hard on picks and shovels. Depreciation of tenement cost (it bought the project from Ken Henry's Dream NL) is $20 and the interest expense on the money it borrowed to going mining is $15.

Under the present system, you take away all those costs and Swan's Hole is left with $35 net profit before tax. At the 30 per cent company tax rate, the ATO then collects $10.50, leaving Swan's Hole shareholders with net profit after tax of $24.50.


The total tax paid (company tax plus royalties) is $15.50. The total effective tax rate is total tax as a percentage of net profit before tax and royalties - $15.50 as a percentage of $40 = 38.8 per cent.

The way the government is spinning the story, applying the RS profit tax regime to Swan's Hole would result in a 55 per cent effective tax rate, which would be ''fairer''. It's important though to look at how that 55 per cent figure is obtained.


The Wayne's World version starts with the same $100 EBITDA, but the $5 of state royalties are effectively wiped out. There's still $25 in plant and equipment depreciation but the depreciation of tenement cost and the interest expense disappears as it's not deductible and, hey presto, net profit before tax is $75.

Before applying the RS profit tax, the RSPT allowance is applied at the long term bond rate. Let's say that's $8, reducing the super profit to $67. The RS profit tax takes 40 per cent of that - $26.80.

Income tax at 30 per cent is then applied to the net profit figure before tax ($75) minus the RS profit tax ($26.80) = $14.50 in company tax.

According to the government spin, that leaves Swan's Hole shareholders with $33.70 after paying total taxes of $41.30 – an effective tax rate of 55 per cent.


But that's only what the government is spinning, not what would really happen under the existing proposal. While the RS profit tax ignores interest expense and tenement depreciation, company tax and the real world don't.

With no royalties but with interest expense and tenement depreciation, net profit before tax is actually $40. The RS profit tax still takes $26.80 from that $40. Company income tax is reduced to just $4, meaning total tax paid is actually $30.80, leaving $9.20 for the Swan's Hole shareholders – an effective tax rate of 77 per cent.

Looking at this PwC example, it's reasonable to wonder if Wayne Swan actually knows anything about his tax or simply prefers to tell fibs about it.

There are a host of other factors at play. Some mines and minerals are enjoying windfall profits from very high prices. Some state royalties don't adequately charge a reasonable price for the minerals that are dug up and sold at those higher prices. And the bottom line remains that the government wants to collect more tax revenue from someone and the resources industry happens to be making more profits and doesn't represent nearly as many votes as consumers, home owners and beneficiaries of estates – all classes the government isn't game to be honest with or challenge.

Ross Gittins yesterday wrote of Kevin Rudd's failure of leadership on climate change and how that had politically bitten him. There is a similar case of leadership-by-opinion-poll when it comes to tax reform.

Instead of using the Henry tax review as a means of encouraging debate and knowledge of the revenue challenges facing the nation, Rudd and Swan immediately ruled out what they thought was the hard stuff i.e. nearly all of it. Their perhaps understandable lack of faith in their own leadership abilities meant they weren't game to take on an even less principled opposition.

Instead, the Wayne and Kevin cherry-picked from Henry the one major revenue gain they thought they could achieve without losing many votes – and then botched it.


As I've written before, the Henry review did not recommend the $1.1 billion exploration refund scheme Wayne's invented as a sop to smaller miners. In any event, the small miners and explorers don't want it, much preferring the Canadian flow-through-shares system that their modelling suggests would only cost $130 million. Martin Ferguson understands that well, but Wayne and Kevin weren't interested in what Martin knew.

Michael Pascoe is a BusinessDay contributing editor.

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